Monday, 4/1/2013
Saturday 1/26/2013 :
Carlos Ramirez retires ...
Andrew Weimer retires ...
Bill Johnson retires ...
Reuben Caufield retires ...
Jose Delagarza retires ...
Micheal Salzman retires ...
Hubert Bustillos retires ...
Larry Debusk retires ...
Kelvin Rios retires ...
Mario Galindo retires ...
Rosario Rameriz retires ...
Emmanuel Sevilla retires ...
James Husted retires ...
Dane Vos retires ...
John Daigre retires ...
Brian Josephson retires ...
Herme Conde retires ...
Ferdy Bejar retires ...
John Lattin retires ...
Manuel Garza retires ...
William Heiss retires ...
Michael House retires ...
Silas Caruthers retires ...
Charles Catalan retires ...
Robert Ramsey retires ...
Luis Miller retires ...
Joseph Toussaint retires ...
Carlos Silva retires ...
Alberto Usera retires ...
BRK: Eric Setliff retires ...
BRK: Lenard Matz retires ...
BRK: Juan Souza retires ...
BRK: Efren Penrose retires ...
HAR: Richard Samson retires ...
HAR: Joe Daye retires ...
HAR: Pedro Ferreira retires ...
HIK: David Naumann retires ...
HOU: Gene Icenhour retires ...
HOU: Josias Perez retires ...
HOU: Jason Bodkin retires ...
HOU: Timothy Mayorga retires ...
SAS: Mariano Oropesa retires ...
SEA: Kevin Bordelon retires ...
SEA: Leo Huggins retires ...
SEA: John Redman retires ...
SEA: Willie Klopp retires ...
SEA: Ronald Estrada retires ...
SEA: Jose Arias retires ...
SEA: John Sadao retires ...
SEA: Donald Rice retires ...
DAN: Samuel Alfano retires ...
DAN: Robert Lent retires ...
DAN: Renato Mora retires ...
DAN: Marvin Craig retires ...
NY: Eduardo Fernandez retires ...
NY: Ricardo Leyva retires ...
CLE: Jonathan Dillow retires ...
CLE: Stacey Garth retires ...
CLE: Thomas Palomares retires ...
CLE: Carroll Degroat retires ...
LA: Jeffery Drewry retires ...
LA: Jonathan Starner retires ...
LA: Joseph Kirkley retires ...
RIV: Albert Garcia retires ...
RIV: Buck Kruse retires ...
RIV: Earle Stollings retires ...
RIV: Ernesto Arguelles retires ...
RIV: Manuel Manzo retires ...
RIV: Joel Calles retires ...
RIV: Abdul Higley retires ...
RIV: Frank Maus retires ...
RIV: James Franklin retires ...
RIV: Emilio Valdovinos retires ...
WAL: Derrick Raglin retires ...
WAL: David Whited retires ...
WAL: Jack Boler retires ...
WAL: Robert Ward retires ...
BRK: Fan loyalty drops to Average...
SAS: Fan loyalty drops to Average...
BRK:Beau Manning gets a new one-year contract worth $4,292,857 through salary arbitration.
BRK:Billy Foster gets a new one-year contract worth $2,564,286 through salary arbitration.
BRK:Valentine Smith gets a new one-year contract worth $1,291,429 through salary arbitration.
BRK:Jed Brose gets a new one-year contract worth $940,000 through salary arbitration.
BRK:Andrew Merriweather gets a new one-year contract worth $1,182,857 through salary arbitration.
BRK:Robert Camarena gets a new one-year contract worth $1,042,857 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Sergio Alonso gets a new one-year contract worth $1,157,143 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Dalton Davis gets a new one-year contract worth $480,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Melvin Ryals gets a new one-year contract worth $1,700,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Gerald Odum gets a new one-year contract worth $1,703,571 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Josias Juarez gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:James Turner gets a new one-year contract worth $2,902,857 through salary arbitration.
HAR:David Alcala gets a new one-year contract worth $870,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:James Cropper gets a new one-year contract worth $440,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Russell Canas gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HAR:Claudio Hernandez gets a new one-year contract worth $500,000 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Bill Dewall gets a new one-year contract worth $1,182,857 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Harold Biscoe gets a new one-year contract worth $705,000 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Keith Shumpert gets a new one-year contract worth $660,000 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Ben Mcinerney gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Alva Mendonca gets a new one-year contract worth $3,421,429 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Jeff Blevins gets a new one-year contract worth $1,058,571 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Gerald Sukeyasu gets a new one-year contract worth $371,429 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Richard Shipp gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Alberto Carballo gets a new one-year contract worth $5,421,429 through salary arbitration.
HIK:Tobias Guiterrez gets a new one-year contract worth $608,571 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Bill Tussey gets a new one-year contract worth $2,950,000 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Kenneth Philpot gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Sean Banton gets a new one-year contract worth $1,450,000 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Kenneth Byers gets a new one-year contract worth $3,828,571 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Hal Pires gets a new one-year contract worth $4,278,571 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Raymond Sant gets a new one-year contract worth $474,286 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Federico Alard gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
HOU:Ronald Adorno gets a new one-year contract worth $4,321,429 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Dario Lopez gets a new one-year contract worth $880,000 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Winston Satterlee gets a new one-year contract worth $4,028,571 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Glenn Harvell gets a new one-year contract worth $914,286 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Tyler Thomas gets a new one-year contract worth $4,478,571 through salary arbitration.
SAS:William Torres gets a new one-year contract worth $1,700,000 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Lorenzo Mendoza gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
SAS:Wesley Kumar gets a new one-year contract worth $1,907,143 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Carmelo Deleon gets a new one-year contract worth $5,907,143 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Ronald Placencia gets a new one-year contract worth $6,321,429 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Eugene Alustiza gets a new one-year contract worth $4,642,857 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Alvin Medina gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Lonnie Machen gets a new one-year contract worth $2,850,000 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Armando Cedeno gets a new one-year contract worth $3,057,143 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Isidro Frau gets a new one-year contract worth $3,650,000 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Guadalupe Rodriguez gets a new one-year contract worth $1,280,000 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Joshua Elders gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
SEA:Merlin Bohon gets a new one-year contract worth $800,000 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Woodrow Claytor gets a new one-year contract worth $2,492,857 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Reginald Glatt gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Joseph Malin gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Noble Bryant gets a new one-year contract worth $662,857 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Pedro Elizalde gets a new one-year contract worth $920,000 through salary arbitration.
DAN:Eduardo Diaz gets a new one-year contract worth $2,957,143 through salary arbitration.
NY:Richard Bilbrey gets a new one-year contract worth $4,642,857 through salary arbitration.
NY:Herman Gossard gets a new one-year contract worth $3,978,571 through salary arbitration.
NY:Hector Orozco gets a new one-year contract worth $3,057,143 through salary arbitration.
NY:Kevin Rubio gets a new one-year contract worth $2,807,143 through salary arbitration.
NY:Brian Palazzo gets a new one-year contract worth $1,528,571 through salary arbitration.
NY:Bradford Mcgreevy gets a new one-year contract worth $2,764,286 through salary arbitration.
NY:Fredrick Thomas gets a new one-year contract worth $4,350,000 through salary arbitration.
NY:Jeromy Poitras gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
NY:Isaac Diehl gets a new one-year contract worth $4,278,571 through salary arbitration.
CLE:William Minton gets a new one-year contract worth $1,054,286 through salary arbitration.
CLE:Duane Doyle gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
CLE:Carlos Mccrea gets a new one-year contract worth $2,442,857 through salary arbitration.
CLE:Juan Whelchel gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
LA:Robert Young gets a new one-year contract worth $2,107,143 through salary arbitration.
LA:George Aguinaldo gets a new one-year contract worth $3,650,000 through salary arbitration.
LA:Joan Hinkel gets a new one-year contract worth $1,685,714 through salary arbitration.
LA:Hector Davila gets a new one-year contract worth $2,950,000 through salary arbitration.
RIV:John Hukill gets a new one-year contract worth $11,421,429 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Larry Dull gets a new one-year contract worth $1,348,571 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Juan Villatoro gets a new one-year contract worth $7,378,571 through salary arbitration.
RIV:William Chester gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Francis Armendariz gets a new one-year contract worth $2,685,714 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Jefferson Theriault gets a new one-year contract worth $1,131,429 through salary arbitration.
RIV:John Miller gets a new one-year contract worth $1,405,714 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Willie Egan gets a new one-year contract worth $1,491,429 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Harold Beeks gets a new one-year contract worth $3,057,143 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Robert Allred gets a new one-year contract worth $350,000 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Patrick Valdes gets a new one-year contract worth $8,485,714 through salary arbitration.
RIV:Anton Suarez gets a new one-year contract worth $4,492,857 through salary arbitration.
WAL:Alfred Scott gets a new one-year contract worth $1,528,571 through salary arbitration.
WAL:John Chambers gets a new one-year contract worth $385,714 through salary arbitration.
WAL:Richard Peel gets a new one-year contract worth $870,000 through salary arbitration.
WAL:Manuel Alvarado gets a new one-year contract worth $697,143 through salary arbitration.
WAL:James Hardman gets a new one-year contract worth $1,542,857 through salary arbitration.
WAL:Fred Smith gets a new one-year contract worth $3,057,143 through salary arbitration.

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